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Kingdomz X Magazine Changes

I’m not going to bore you to death again, so let’s get straight to the point, shall we? The changes that I mentioned in my (long-winded) previous blog entry have already begun.

We’ve done our first hip-hop interview, first hip-hop article, first hyperpop article, and first hyperpop interview. It was never my intent for Kingdomz X Magazine to be “stiff” and monochromatic, which it started to feel like after a while. We weren’t as colorful and vibrant as before. Instead, we spent more time on fashion, travel, food, and homes. Great content, but uninspiring. I had begun to neglect music and art (though, strangely enough, our readership grew during this period). I fancy myself an eclectic individual and I am striving to fashion this magazine to reflect my diverse tastes, while still maintaining the “luxury” angle. This is happening. There will be more color, more bright, more women, and more LGBTQ+.

Back in March, I mentioned that we would become a “new wave luxury” magazine. I thought that sounded “cool” and “edgy” at the time (I must have been under the influence, blame it on the whatever). But, really, I don’t want to think too much about what I want to do with Kingdomz X and I like our “lexicon of luxe” tagline. We don’t need a rebranding. Our philosophy still stands in regards to Coco Chanel’s proclamation almost a hundred years ago about luxury being the opposite of vulgarity rather than the opposite of poverty. So, from here on out, we’re setting the rainbows and unicorns loose.

Holliday Howe in her previous incarnation as Bubbles

In addition to the recording artists mentioned above, I’m starting off December with a woman whose music was integral to the development of the hyperpop genre. How amazing is that?! Her name is Holliday Howe, and she’s a phenomenal, singer, songwriter, composer, musician, and producer. I’m sure there are those who would debate me as to who created the genre, but I’m not one to argue. Look, it’s the holiday season (see what I did there?), let’s not bicker about the obvious. Eh? Peace and goodwill and all of that?

Anyway, it’s going to be so much more fun around here. I’m grateful to all of you, regardless of how long you’ve been reading Kingdomz X Magazine. Thanks for hanging in there with me.