La Segunda Parte

Yaz (l), Naty (r)

There’s a reason I’ve only ever interviewed these two alternative models, and I was surprised when one of them mentioned that reason during the course of this interview. They’re different. Naty and Yaz may be alt models, but they cross the line when and where most can not. They look just as stunning in dresses and lingerie, as they do in leather and latex. I hesitate to call their style “unique", which seems totally inadequate. I would rather call it "fluid" because that’s really what it is.

Their magazine is where I began writing many years ago, the first time I had ever been published. Though it saddened me (and tens of thousands of fans and readers) when they closed its doors, I understood their desire to move on to bigger and better things. I’m grateful they allowed me to be a part of their world then, and now, as I interview them for the second time in almost ten years.

The last time I interviewed you two,  Gorgeous Freaks Magazine was just starting to get super popular. It seemed to be doing well during the last few years, why did you stop publishing?

Naty: We stopped because we have our clothing store! It’s our main source of income right now, so we had to focus on it more (and completely) in order for it to succeed. We didn’t have time to keep publishing the magazine, so that’s why we stopped.

Yaz: Yeah, honestly it was because of time. Currently, our store takes all of our time and publishing a magazine really sucks up your time, so we decided to stop for a few months.

What about Gorgeous Freaks Models?

Naty: That we also stopped for a bit, because it was difficult for our models to keep sending updates, or to stay in touch. We lost contact with so many! It also took a lot of time out of our lives to keep it going!

Yaz: Pretty much. We also didn't get that much support on the project.

Now that you’re focused on your Gorgeous Freaks Store, is it more satisfying and prosperous for you than the magazine?

Naty: Yeah it is. We live on that! It’s our sole occupation, now! So we need to keep it alive and running.

Yaz: Yes, pretty much it has become our primary source of income. With it, we support our mom and pay for all of our necessities; food, electricity, etc.

What kind of clothing are you selling, and are you selling anything else besides clothing?

Naty: We sell pinup dresses! Stuff from Dollskill and original makeup!

Yaz: Mostly Alternative related clothing. In addition,  we also sell hair dyes and make up.

Next year will make a decade you have both been modeling. How does modeling now compare to when you first started in 2008?

Naty: I think it has changed a lot! It’s hard nowadays! There’s so many models that all look the same, so there’s that stereotype. To get the opportunity to work with someone, or get published even if you have had a lot of experience it's hard. But we keep doing our thing, and there are still amazing companies, photographers, and magazines that trust our work, and still support us. So that feels good! Also for social media it’s easier to interact and gain followers. (smile)

Yaz: The industry has become a bit weird, it's not as supportive as it used to be. Right now, people get famous because of “likes”, not because of the quality of their work.

You once said that certain people in Costa Rica are close minded. That was in 2011, is it still the same now?

Naty: (laughter) Yeah they are! Maybe less than before, so that’s good! We have met so many lovely people willing to work with us, and just wanting to meet us, so that’s very nice, and makes me happy! Tattoos and alt-modeling are more popular now, so I guess it’s more accepted here.

Yaz: It's starting to get a bit better, I think people are starting to get used to it. We still get insults on the street, but not that often.

You just came back from England recently. Were you only in London, or did you get the chance to explore other areas?

Naty: We went to other parts on UK, for shoots and just for exploring. I loved it there! It was perfect! I felt so welcome!

Yaz: We also visited Portsmouth and Buckinghamshire, and we really loved all of it.

While you were there, I understand you did a photoshoot with the renowned Bilacous, what was that like?

Naty: Oh, it was amazing! I felt so comfortable, and he was such a gentleman, so professional, and the results of the photos were gorgeous! One of my fav shoots ever! I feel so proud and happy about the response I had from it on social media. (smile)

Yaz: OMG It was a dream come true, a highlight of my modeling career. I have been following his work for so long, and finally working with him was amazing. He's super professional, and his work is out of this world.

Speaking of Bilacous, if you haven't noticed already the stunning images you see in this article are taken by him. 

Follow this link, and find something you like at the Gorgeous Freaks Store. Follow Yaz and Naty at Instagram.

Patrick Chappelle

Patrick is a neurodivergent feminist, socialist, provocateur, propagandist, and iconoclast. He is a journalist.

Motel California


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